Wednesday, December 17, 2008

~~mY kUcHiNg HoLiDayS~~

After STPM........................ huh.............. what to do??????? pack my bags and depart to kuching of course..............

went back to kuching from 10th to 17th december.............. managed to attend jj lin's concert..... very nice la in kuching...... i don't wanna come back to ipoh..........

THE SPRING.............. love it!!!!!!!!!

like a pai kia.........

nice body build???

a guy "zi lian-ing" in padini's fitting room.... haha

My bowl of sarawak laksa... before eating.....

After eating..... why still hungry???? hahahahahahaha

don tell you where i got this....

the eNd pRoDuCt..... by me....

work in progress........

mY HAMMERING skills are still intact.... haha

mY niece.... cute bo???

SONY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA.............

My company.... haha.... the shop owner purposely opened his shop for me to snap some pics....

mY name is eVeRyWhErE......... HahA...........

posing for a pic with a lovely christmas tree.....

Went to BOULEVARD........ wonder why ipoh has only ipoh parade and kinta city.... kuching has wisma saberkas... sarawak plaza... tun jugah... the spring..... boulevard..... so many la.....

before i started eating the kolo mee......

mY empty bowl.... how embarrasing........

mY aunts and cousins..... just before departing to the airport........

If you people have time, why not pay a visit to sarawak...... Very nice la here....

MAS's so called FOOD BOX.... You think enough no eat meh???? Haiyo....

...........MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all......

So , we can kiss goodbye to year 2008 and welcome 2009...... 1 more month to CNY........... waitng ..... waiting..........

sorry for expressing my diary in the form of photos..... my writing skills is damn poor la.....

.....Sony Liew.....
.....18th December 2008.....


~~~mY LeTtErS tO tHe eDiToR~~~

Friday, December 5, 2008

Haiz.... No joy de after finish STPM...

Yesterday, me and my friends had a farewell gathering... I didn't want to go out in the beginning, but since daddy was shouting mad at home... Why not? Go out for some fun....

At 9 pm, i arrived at parade's cinema... Watched a movie called "Twilight"... It was great... Damn nice... Romance of a normal human and a vampire... just couldn't describe the feeling of that movie... The setting was wonderful...

Cullens.... Damn handsome la....

The Vampires and a human...

This is the Cullens family....

After the show it was about 11:15pm.... We then set out to our next hunting place... McDonald's 24HOURS... Haha..... Ate my McFlurry again.... All of our gang members just "blow water" for the very last time together... Khar Mang who is usually quiet was very noisy...(khar mang sorry for this!!!)...haha.... Members included... Sony... Khar Mang... Lim... Chee Yuen... Kar Mun... Pei Yek... Mei Yee... Yee Jun... Owen... Ping Jie... Danny... and BIG PIECE...

see... eating McFlurry OREO again... addicted jor.....

Shhh.... I curi curi take Khar Mang... don tell her...

This photo is "guang ming zhen da" take de... Haha... Who fairer? me right???

Haiz... blow water till 1:40am... Then we also had to go home... For me, there was no joy even after my STPM examinations... I know what result i will get... But that's life... You may look down on me now... Maybe in the years to come, i will be more successful... my superior sommunication skills will help me alot... Khar Mang will be leaving for Lion City... will miss her since i knew her in form 1.... Whereas i will look for a temporary job in KL... Gain some work experience...

To all my friends... Good luck and all the best.... Have a wonderful journey into the future... Remember, only the best will prevail...

.....Sony Liew.....
...5th December 2008...

Mistake in Pengajian Am Paper 2

I sat for the STPM Pengajian Am Paper 2 recently. Upon receiving and reading the contents of the question paper, a few students noticed mistakes for Part D, question number 8. It is a question requiring students to interpret a passage in the form of a graph. The total marks allocated for that question was 15 marks. When we asked the invigilator about the question, she just gave a simple reply “tak tahu”. What a joke! So since we knew that there was some mistake for question 8, I chose to answer question number 7 instead as we were given two choices.

Here’s the extract of the question : Pada tahun 2002 sahaja, pengeluarannya adalah sebanyak 150 007 ribu tan metrik dan meningkat kepada 20729 ribu tan metrik pada tahun 2004, iaitu peningkatan sebanyak 3418 ribu tan metrik berbanding dengan pengeluaran pada tahun 2003. See the typo error?

After a few days, it was reported in Chinese and Malay newspapers that students who had answered question 8 will be given bonus marks. How can such a thing happen? It was a mistake by the Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia (MPM) which they did not double check or triple check the questions before sending it to be printed.

I wonder who are those involved in preparing the examination questions? Even for Chemistry paper 2, there wasn’t a single graph, which they traditionally asked in the previous years. At least 1 graph from the chapter “Phase Equilibrium” should be tested, not only graph sketching. And how on earth that Inorganic Chemistry tested was almost half the marks, 50 marks, and this year, there were only a few questions on calculations.

How about the students who answered question 7 perfectly? Giving bonus marks to students who answered question 8 is like handicapping students who answered question 7. I know it isn’t fair either for the students who answered question 7, but it was a glaring mistake where students should have noticed while reading the question. After all, it takes only 2 minutes to read a passage.

In daily life, what should you do when you see a right and a wrong? Go for the right? Or the wrong? So why choose the mistake question and not the correct question, question 7 is easier after all.

So what does MPM do next? MPM is really going downhill. Either the printer printed it wrongly or the people setting questions failed their mathematics! And do not make us students guinea pigs!

Monday, December 1, 2008

mA pEnAng tRiP during STPM!!!

Last saturday i went to penang lo..... my dad's annual dinner was to be held there... So, i brought along my PA and Chemistry books ( but i didn't even touch them )... haha..... After arriving penang, we throwed daddy at the hotel and we went "long gai"... haha... It was still early then... Shopping malls were still closed... haiz.... how? Without much choice, we went to prangin mall... Such a dirty mall it was... We had breakfast at McDonalds...

So empty lar this McDonalds...

The first time i had a McFlurry lar.... You believe? It tasted great!!!


See the GPS? That's my secret of not getting lost in Penang... hahahahahaha...

The so called "Revolving Restaurant" wor... haiz... cannot turn also...

The beautiful magnificent scenery during our journey home...

Why i like this road sign so much? Of course.. two of my heroes place.... Beruas and Taiping MP's Nga Kor Ming and Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham ... I wanna be more successful than them...

THE END.....

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Love can be found

Love is sought by everyone, everywhere. It is a constant concern; it is in constant demand. If love already exists, and fear in one of its multiple sets in, it may transform love into fear. It may degenerate and spoil life's most beautiful promise.

How is fear possible? Does it come about because we do not know what love is, or because we do not understand the essence of our own love? Is the fear caused by the uncertainty that the love we possess and deem so precious may end, even soon, even abruptly? Although we may be satisfied about our work and pleased with various activities of our life, doubts about personal lovehaunt many of us almost everyday.

Love has always been acknowledged a very complicated emotion. Love is not an isolate psychological function, or something that ends in the same way as it began. It is an outcome of previous feelings, thoughts, and attitudes which were often unrecognized, undefined, and undeveloped. Unless love continues to wax, it tends to wane.

There is no easy road to love. Love and paradise are not easily given or entered. We can only hope to feel love by gaining knowledge of the human heart and mind. Many do experience love, but their love is distorted by doubts, fears, and other obstacles. Without love a person would feel deprived and unhappy.

A characteristic common to all loves is commitment. Aperson who experiences love is committed to its attainment, preservation and growth.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

12 Survival Tips ( for chemistry!!! )

This is the molecular structure of aspirin... a painkiller

Chemistry can be fun. You can be a chemistry star (and pass the regents). Keep up with the work, ask for help, and don't get behind!! Plan out your work. If you get behind, get help fast! Waiting, thinking that you won't need the information and skills, is like . . .

Tip #1: Getting off to a great start. Learn the definitions and understand how to use the periodic table. (You will use this all year). Keep up with assignments. Turn in labs on time. Study your notes (yes, take notes in class) and don't get behind.

Tip #2: Don't lose your periodic table.

Tip #3: Ask your teacher questions if you don't understand or need help. If you get wrong answers on homework, find out why and correct your mistakes.

Tip #4: Early in the fall master naming compounds and writing formulas. Several helpful links are Nomenclature, Formulas of Binary Compounds, and The Meaning of a Chemical Equation.

Tip #5: Use the Regents Exam Prep Center Chemistry outline with linked topics often. Also frequently review your notes and check often to make sure you are keeping up with what you need to know to pass the regents exam.

Tip #6: Use memory helpers like flash cards, frequent review, rhymes, silly songs, and funny graphics. See also How to Study for more helps.

Tip #7: Before a test: Start studying several days before the test rather than cram the night before. See Tip #11, Types of Tests and Tips for more pointers. After a test, learn how to answer the questions you missed.

Tip #8: Chemistry calculations use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division rather than complicated math. But knowing what process to use takes practice. Units matter in chemistry. A numerical answer also has a unit label (moles, atoms, etc.)

Tip #9: Use a review book. Ask your teacher to suggest a review book that follows the regents syllabus. The topics are short and to the point: read them over as you learn the topics and when you review for a test. Do the practice questions each time your teacher finishes a unit.

Tip #10: Practice doing Regents questions all year. Each time you finish a unit, do the questions that relate to the topics covered. Exam questions can be found in the Multiple Choice Question Archive, the Practice Exams, and review books such as Barron's Regents Exams and Answers (Chemistry). Barron's explains why the wrong answers are wrong. This is a very good feature because you learn up to 4x as much Chemistry when you understand all the choices. In addition, test questions on future Regents exams may be developed around these other choices.

Tip #11: Consider working with a study group or friend who is serious about doing well.

Tip #12: Keep seeing yourself successful in chemistry. If you keep working at it, little by little, you can be a chemistry star. You might even enjoy it. Chemistry doesn't have to be hard. It can be fun!

Interesting?? It's very similar for SPM and STPM students . Study hard and smart... Do not just memorise memorise memorise la......

i dunno what pic is this!!!

Math Study Strategies (Math Studying & Test Taking Tips)

Math Study Strategies

Math Studying & Test Taking Tips

1. Always read math problems completely before beginning any calculations. If you "glance" too quickly at a problem, you may misunderstand what really needs to be done to complete the problem.

2. Whenever possible, draw a diagram. Even though you may be able to visualize the situation mentally, a hand drawn diagram will allow you to label the picture, to add auxiliary lines, and to view the situation from different perspectives.

3. Know your calculator! If you must borrow a calculator from your teacher, be sure that you have used that "brand" of calculator on previous occasions. If you are not familiar with how a particular calculator works, your calculations may be incorrect.

4. If you know that your answer to a question is incorrect, and you cannot find your mistake, start over on a clean piece of paper. Oftentimes when you try to correct a problem, you continually overlook the mistake. Starting over on a clean piece of paper will let you focus on the question, not on trying to find the error.

5. Do not feel that you must use every number in a problem when doing your calculations. Some mathematics problems have "extra" information. These questions are testing your ability to recognize the needed information, as well as your mathematical skills.

6. Be sure that you are working in the same units of measure when performing calculations. If a problem involves inches, feet AND yards, be sure to make the appropriate conversions so that all of your values are in the same unit of measure (for example, change all values to feet).

7. Be sure that your answer "makes sense" (or is logical). For example, if a question asks you to find the number of feet in a drawing and your answer comes out to be a negative number, know that this answer is incorrect. (Distance is a positive concept - we cannot measure negative feet.)

8. Remember, that it may be necessary to "solve" for additional information in a problem before being able to arrive at the final answer. These questions are called "two-step" problems and are testing your ability to recognize what information is needed to arrive at an answer.

9. If time permits, go back and resolve the more difficult problems on the test on a separate piece of paper. If these "new" answers are the same as your previous answers, chances are good that your solution is correct.

10. Remain confident! Do not get flustered! Focus on what you DO know, not on what you do not know. You know a LOT of math!!

11. When asked to "show work" or "justify your answer", don't be lazy. Write down EVERYTHING about the problem, including the work you did on your calculator. Include diagrams, calculations, equations, and explanations written in complete sentences. Now is the time to "show off" what you really can do with this problem.

12. If you are "stuck" on a particular problem, go on with the rest of the test. Oftentimes, while solving a new problem, you will get an idea as to how to attack that difficult problem.

13. If you simply cannot determine the answer to a question, make a guess. Think about the problem and the information you know to be true. Make a guess that will be logical based upon the conditions of the problem.

14. In certain problems, you may be able to "guess" at an approximate (or reasonable) answer. After you perform your calculations, see if your final answer is close to your guess.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My life in pictures (part 2)

I got an A in PMR and you give me this sort of stupid low marks? Janganlah jadi cikgu... jadi salesman pun tak ape... Kamu menyebabkan saya dapat gred 6C dalam SPM.... This stupid oral marks ruined my grade for SPM... you understand english??? For your information, the oral test was conducted by asking "bapa awak kerja apa?" and "pergi tuisyen bahasa melayu di mana?" IS THIS THE WAY OF CONDUCTING AN ORAL TEST??? Fikirlah baik baik... To my form 4 and 5 Bahasa Melayu teacher who taught in SMJK Yuk Choy..... How many students in 5SO did you destroy? Because of you, many students who should quality for form 6 didn't get to enter.... because they got only a pass in BM!!!

I wanted to burn this certificate as it did not reflect my true ability...... Go check my malay oral results from Year1 to Form 3 and you will see my perfect score.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My uniform... So sad that my guru penasihat did nothing when i was in yuk choy... Teruknya... You know the guru penasihat? Luckily he is not in charge anymore... Itulah maksud BALASAN... Haha...

When did i took this pic???

Just back from school ( i think when i was in form 4 )

Playing a fool with the glass window...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My life in pictures

My birthday cake.... i don't wanna be old so fast!!!

My UMBRO boots.... haven't use it for 2 years already

My STUPID reference books!!!!!!!! Hate them

Taken during CNY

I wished i could play this song for her...

My lovely organ..... my best friend

My violin!!!

Kinda sad la.....

Nice movie????

Rare collection, it ends with the number 5210

My phone number.... read this in cantonese......

This is me ... taken during chinese new year