Saturday, November 22, 2008

Love can be found

Love is sought by everyone, everywhere. It is a constant concern; it is in constant demand. If love already exists, and fear in one of its multiple sets in, it may transform love into fear. It may degenerate and spoil life's most beautiful promise.

How is fear possible? Does it come about because we do not know what love is, or because we do not understand the essence of our own love? Is the fear caused by the uncertainty that the love we possess and deem so precious may end, even soon, even abruptly? Although we may be satisfied about our work and pleased with various activities of our life, doubts about personal lovehaunt many of us almost everyday.

Love has always been acknowledged a very complicated emotion. Love is not an isolate psychological function, or something that ends in the same way as it began. It is an outcome of previous feelings, thoughts, and attitudes which were often unrecognized, undefined, and undeveloped. Unless love continues to wax, it tends to wane.

There is no easy road to love. Love and paradise are not easily given or entered. We can only hope to feel love by gaining knowledge of the human heart and mind. Many do experience love, but their love is distorted by doubts, fears, and other obstacles. Without love a person would feel deprived and unhappy.

A characteristic common to all loves is commitment. Aperson who experiences love is committed to its attainment, preservation and growth.

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