Sunday, May 24, 2009

1Malaysia, Malaysia Boleh or Malaysia Truely Asia?

It was reported in last week's newpaper that the Education Ministry are "considering" to limit the number of subjects students are allowed to register for. Congrats to the "ministers" who brought up this matter, but what is the use if all these issue are just empty talks rather than swift action?

If my long term memory is still working, i remember the ministry bringing up this matter several years ago. But what happened in the end? Cakap kosong only. This is 1Malaysia!!!

Now it's the PDRM's turn. Mat Rempit to ''samseng jalanan'' or road thugs??? Nothing to do kah??? Mat Rempit's roaming freely on our roads while those holding candles are arrested. Denied access to lawyers. 1Malaysia???

Wah.... 1Malaysia.... Doctrine of the separation of powers clearly states that the Executive, Judiciary and the Legislative are independent of each other. But in Malaysia we are living in Bolehland. The Judiciary can overrule the Legislative. 1Malaysia again!!!

And of course we have 1Malaysia. There is only one Malaysia. Malaysia truely Asia. It is a free advertisement that we show the world what a nation we are. Such a shame!!! Is there any country like Malaysia??? Erm.... Zimbabwe perhaps... But there is only 1Malaysia....

~~~~~1Malaysia Boleh~~~~~

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